All Graphext proyects can be made into publications, read-only views of the project that have their standalone urls and can be shared safely to anyone.

This allows for very easy replication of results or further investigation on the same data.

As an example, this is a publication of one of our projects, the FIFA Player Stats for the 2022 Season. You can view and interact with all the data, but edits are not allowed.

Creating a new publication

To create a new publication of your project, click the options button in the upper left corner and select “New Publication”.

New publication

This menu will pop up, which allows you to customize the environment you are about to create.

New publication

You can change:

  • the title the project will display
  • the author name
  • what sections (tabs) you want the environment to display, which can be any of the following:
    • data
    • plot
    • graph
    • compare
    • correlations
    • models
    • insights
  • publication date and a Graphext watermark
  • the theme of the publication
  • whether the layout will be the same as the original project, or a simplified one with no left sidebar
  • lastly, a custom Javascript input that will execute upon loading. You may need to scroll to see this.

Modifying an existing publication

After creating a publication, you can edit it by going to the “Manage Publications” button, below the “New Publication” one.

Manage publications

You’ll be presented with this menu, in which you can view all the publications made for this project, edit them, delete them, or create a new publication.

Manage publications menu

When editing or removing a publication, changes may take a few minutes to propagate.