After creating and customizing your chart to your liking, the next step is to share it with the world.

Graphext offers several options to do so in handy ways.

You can export charts as PNG, SVG, Embeds and even CSV.

Exporting charts

Once you are done with your chart, click on the Export Chart button, next to the Customize one.

export button

This will open up a helper menu to assist in the process:

export button

Let’s review each field:


Lets you change the final filename that will be downloaded.


Lets you choose from the available formats.

PNG and SVG download the corresponding raster or vector file.

Embeds can be copied and pasted in webpages. You can see examples of them in action in the Types of Charts section.

CSV generates a file with the current aggregation underlying the chart you just created.

Size & Options

Width will scale up the image to be bigger, but proportional to what you see in the editor.

If the image is a PNG, it makes it proportionally bigger, for better resolution. In the case of SVG, it simply sets the width and viewBox properties acccordingly.

Padding is used to create an empty frame around all elements of the chart to allow it to breathe and not appear crowded or busy.

You can optionally enable Transparent background for easier post-processing and including the Graphext watermark.