Uploading files

In this section, we’ll guide you through the process of uploading files to Graphext, a key step in beginning your project. Our platform supports a wide array of file types, ensuring versatility and compatibility with your data needs. Below, you’ll find a detailed list of the supported file formats.

Step-by-Step Guide to Uploading Your Files:


Start a New Project

Begin by clicking on “Create a New Project”. You can do this within your personal team space or in any of your collaborative teams.


Select Your File

  • Browse: Navigate through your computer’s directories to find the dataset you wish to use. - Drag and Drop: Alternatively, you can drag your file and drop it into the designated importation box on our platform.

File Upload and Project Creation

Once you’ve selected your file, our system will upload the data and automatically, infer the data types if needed and create a new project containing your file. This process ensures your data is ready for exploration and analysis.


Open and Explore Your Project

After the upload is complete, your project is ready. You can now open it and start your exploratory journey with Graphext.

Additional Notes:

  • Uploading Multiple Files with the Same Schema: If you have several files with the same schema, there’s no need to upload them one by one. Simply compress them into a ZIP file and upload it. Our system will seamlessly combine these files into one dataset for you.
  • Need Help with Complex Data Joins?: For more intricate requirements, such as specific joins of different datasets, don’t hesitate to reach out. Our team is on standby to assist you with any preprocessing needs. Contact us.

Supported File Types

In most cases, Graphext will inspect the raw data to try and infer the correct data type for each column (categorical, numeric, date, etc).

This is not the case for formats that already have well defined column types, such as Apache Arrow (.arr / .arrow), Parquet (.pqt / .parquet), and SPSS (.sav). In these cases, instead of inferring the data types, we simply map them to the Graphext equivalent.

File Formats

Additionally, Graphext will automatically detect and convert the following list of strings to missing values (equivalent to no value, or and empty cell):

"#N/A", "#N/A N/A", "#NA", "-1.#IND", "-1.#INF", "-1.#QNAN", "-NaN",
"-nan", "1.#IND", "1.#INF", "1.#INF000000", "1.#QNAN", "<NA>", "N/A",
"n/a", "NA", "NAN", "NaN", "nan", "NULL", "Null", "null", ""

The conversion will apply only if the whole field corresponds to one of these strings, i.e. if any of these values occurs as a substring inside a longer text, it will be left unchanged.

Correct File Structures

Text-like file formats, like CSV and JSON, may be subject to specific restrictions on how the data is structured inside the file.