A team, is an organizational level designed to enhance collaboration among teammates. You can create unlimited projects within a team, invite various users to join, and assign them specific roles—Viewer, Member, or Admin—to tailor their access and capabilities according to their responsibilities. Learn more about roles.

Teams also come equipped with their own integrations, allowing members to leverage these tools according to their roles. Depending on their permissions, users can create new projects from these integrations, create new ones or edit existing onsecuritypolicyviolation. More details are available on our Integrations page.

The sidebar provides quick access to all teams you belong to. For ease of access, you can pin your most visited teams, ensuring they are always readily accessible. This page is divided into two main sections: ‘Pinned Teams’ for your frequently accessed teams and ‘All Teams’ for a comprehensive view of every team you belong to.”

How to create a new team

In the sidebar, where all your teams are listed, creating a new team is straightforward and quick. Simply hover over the teams bar and click on the plus button to get started. All you need to do is give your new team a name, and you’re all set to invite colleagues, start new projects, and configure integrations to suit your team’s needs.

Interface Overview

Team members

How to add or remove team members

Type of roles

In Graphext, we have established three distinct roles to accommodate various levels of access and control within teams. These roles ensure that team members can perform their tasks effectively while maintaining necessary security and organizational standards:

  • Admin: As the most privileged role, Admins have comprehensive control over the team’s dynamics. They can manage integrations, create new projects, and modify team settings, allowing them to tailor the team environment to suit specific needs.
  • Member: Members have the ability to create projects, which enables active participation in ongoing tasks and initiatives. However, they do not have permission to manage integrations or alter team settings, maintaining a focus on project development without access to higher-level administrative functions.
  • Viewer: Viewers have a more restricted role, designed primarily for oversight and monitoring. They can only view projects, making this role ideal for stakeholders or team members who need to stay informed about progress without directly altering project content or structure.

How to pin and reposition a team

In Graphext, the functionality to pin teams is designed to streamline your workflow by making frequently visited teams more accessible. Pinning a team moves it to a dedicated section at the top of your interface, ensuring you can find and access these teams quickly, enhancing your efficiency. Here’s how you can pin a team:

How to rename a team

Simply move your cursor over the team you want to rename. A menu icon will appear on the right side of the team’s name.

Click on the menu icon. A list of options will appear. From these, select the Rename option.

How to remove a team

Simply move your cursor over the team you want to remove. A menu icon will appear on the right side of the team’s name.

Click on the menu icon. A list of options will appear. From these, select the Remove option.

How to search for a team

To locate any team or project, regardless of how extensive your list grows, you can use the omnibar. To access the omninbar you have to options, click on the search bar at the top or by using keyboard shortcuts. If you are on a Mac, press Cmd + K; on Windows, use Ctrl + K. This omnibar searches across both teams and projects.