Tags provide a way to group variables based on their meaning. These groups can then be used across the application for a more convenient experience.

To learn more about how to deal with tags, check out how to group variables.

Using tags

Tags can be thought like a variable group. For example, in this Airbnb dataset, we have 82 variables, 18 of which are exclusively related to the host data, such as their ratings, superhost status, location, response rate and so on. By tagging all these as ‘host’, we can quickly access them from this dropdown in the variable manager, or the main interface.

We also created another tag, called ‘location’, for all variables related to coordinate and neighbourhood data.

Tags filtering Host Data in the Data tab. This dataset has 82 variables, out of which 18 are exclusively about the host's information, like sign up date, response rate or overall rating. Tags make it much more manageable to deal with all this information.

Tags filtering host data in the Variable Manager