Compute a force-directed graph layout with a fast forceAtlas2 implementation.
A column containing link targets. Source is implied in the index.
A column containing the x coordinate of each node’s position in the network.
A column containing the y coordinate of each node’s position in the network.
Attracts nodes to the center. Prevents islands from drifting away.
- 0.05
The amount of repulsion. Greater values lead to a larger and more sparse graph.
- 0.8
Algorithmic “resolution”. Greater values lead to faster execution at the expense of less precise calculations.
Values must be in the following range:
0.0 ≤ barnesHutTheta ≤ 2.0
Prefer authorities over hubs. Prefer “authorities” (nodes with a high indegree) over hubs (nodes with a high outdegree). Authorities will have more central and hubs more peripheral positions. (default=false).
- False
Usually produces tighter clusters. Enabling it may also require adjusting the scalingRatio.
- False
Try to avoid overlap between nodes.
- False
The more the better, though it will take longer.
- 300
How much space to (try and) give each node in the final layout.
Values must be in the following range:
1.0 ≤ nodeSize < inf
Links with weights below this value will be ignored.
Values must be in the following range:
0.0 ≤ ignoreWeightsBelow < inf
Normalize weights to the range [0, 1].
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