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Create correlations insight


Create a new insight from the Correlations section.


The following are the step's expected inputs and outputs and their specific types.

Step signature
create_correlations_insight({"param": value})

where the object {"param": value} is optional in most cases and if present may contain any of the parameters described in the corresponding section below.


title: string

Title of the insight.

columnX: string

Name of the column that will be compared with other columns specified in the correlatedColumns parameter. Placed in the x axis.

columnY: string

Name of the column that will be compared with other columns specified in the correlatedColumns parameter Placed in the y axis.

correlatedColumns: array[string]

A list of columns the columnX or columnY will be compared with. The insight will contain one chart per correlated column. If columnX and columnY are provided correlatedColumns needs to contain only columnY.

hiddenColumns: array[string]

Columns hidden from the Correlations section when the insight is replayed. When replayed, the Correlation section will compare the target variable with all variables in the dataset except these.

isExpanded: boolean

Sets the correlation graph as expanded. If true, the insight will contain an expanded chart in order to show the maximum number of categories possible.

replayDisabled: string | boolean = False

Indicates if the insight can replay its original state or not.

Must be one of: "drillDown", "directSelectionInGraph", "nonPersistedColumn", True, False

representation: string

Sets the visualization type. Whether a heatmap or a bubble like chart.

Must be one of: "heatmap", "bubble"

isBoxplot: boolean

Sets Boxplot as visualization type. If true, a combination of quantitative & categorical columns will use Boxplot as visualization type.

elements: array[object]

Type and appearance of an insight's elements. A list in which each item is an object configuring the appearance of a particular insight element.

Items in elements

kind: string

Specify the type of element.


text: string

The text shown for this insight element.

layout: object

The element's position and size. The position refers to the top-left corner of the rectangle representing the insight element, while the size is given by its width and height. For reference, the entire insight is 12 units wide and 9 units high, and the origin (0, 0) of the x/y coordinates is in its top-left corner.

Items in layout

x: integer

Horizontal position of the element's top-left corner. In increments of 1; 0 being the left-most and 8 the right-most position.

Range: -1 ≤ x ≤ 11

y: integer

Vertical position of the element's top-left corner. In increments of 1; 0 being the top-most and 11 the bottom-most position.

Range: 0 ≤ y ≤ 11

w: integer

The width of the element (in increments of 1).

Range: 1 ≤ w ≤ 12

h: integer

The height of the element (in increments of 1).

Range: 1 ≤ h ≤ 9

column: string

Name of the column containing the data to be used in this insight element. Required if the element is of type CHART or STATS.