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Test classification gpu


Evaluate a pretrained classification model on custom test data.

Usually employed after the train_classification step.

Prediction Model

To use this step successfully you need to make sure the dataset you're predicting on is as similar as possible to the one the model was trained on. We check that the necessary data types and columns are present, but you should pay attention to how you handled these in the recipe the model was generated. Any changes might lead to a significant degradation in model performance.


The following are the step's expected inputs and outputs and their specific types.

Step signature
    ds: dataset,
    model: model_classification[ds], {
    "param": value
}) -> (
    pred: column,
    prob: column,
    error: column,
    *split: column

where the object {"param": value} is optional in most cases and if present may contain any of the parameters described in the corresponding section below.


Assuming we have reserved a test set containing data that wasn't used to train the model, we can simply pass it to this step for evaluation:

Example call (in recipe editor)
test_classification(ds_test, model, {"target": "label"}) -> (ds_test.pred, ds_test.prob, ds_test.error)
More examples

If the test data is contained in a larger dataset (e.g. along training data), but can be identified using a column indicating the split, we can use the following setup:

Example call (in recipe editor)
test_classification(ds, model, {
  "target": "label",
  "refit": true,
  "split": {
    "column": "split_name",
    "train_split": "train"
    "test_split": "test"
}) -> (ds.pred, ds.prob, ds.error)

Alternatively, we can create a randomized train/test split on the fly, re-fit the model on the train set, and evaluate on the test set. In this case an additional column will be added to the dataset, indicating the split each row belongs to:

Example call (in recipe editor)
test_classification(ds, model, {
  "target": "label",
  "refit": true,
  "split": {
    "test_size": 0.2
}) -> (ds.pred, ds.prob, ds.error, ds.split)


ds: dataset

A dataset containing features and target columns.

model: file:model_classification[ds]

Name of trained model to use for prediction.


pred: column

Column containing the model predictions.

prob: column

Column containing the model prediction probabilities.

error: column

Column containing the model prediction errors.

*split: column

Optional column identifying the train/test split, if dataset was randomly sampled and model re-fit.


target: string

Target variable. Name of the column that contains your target values (labels).

positive_class: string | null

Name of the positive class. In binary classification, usually the class you're most interested in, for example the label/class corresponding to successful lead conversion in a lead score model, the class corresponding to a customer who has churned in a churn prediction model, etc.

If provided, will return predicted probabilities for the positive class. If not provided, will return probabilities for the predicted class (i.e. the class with the highest probability).

split: object | object

Train/test split configuration. Identify the splits using an existing column or create a randomized split. In either case, the model will be refit on the train split and evaluated on the test split.

Items in split

test_size: number

Size of test split. The fraction of data used for testing. The remaining data will be used to refit the model.

Range: 0.0 < test_size < inf

seed: integer | null

Random seed. Seed used to initialize the random number generator assigning rows to train/test splits. If none is provided, result will be non-deterministic.

column: string

Split column. Name of the column that contains the split identifiers/names.

test_split: string

Test split identifier. Value of the split column that identifies the test set. Rows with this value will be used to evaluate the model. If no train_split parameter is provided, the remaining rows will be used to refit the model before evaluation.

train_split: string

Train split identifier. Value of the split column that identifies the train set. Rows with this value will be used to refit the model before evaluation. If not provided, all rows not belonging to the test split will be used in the refit.

refit: boolean = False

Whether to retrain the model. If set to true, the model will be refit on the train split before evaluation. If set to false, the model will be evaluated on the test split without refitting. If no split configuration is provided, this parameter is ignored.